The tunics and pants have numerous layers of a rough mixture of Vallejo Model Color (VMC) Burnt Cadmium Red (814), GW Liche Purple, old GW Shadow Black ink, Vallejo Glaze Medium (596), and of course "Gunk." I kept mixing until I had a deep purple color the consistency of skim milk.
The glaze medium does a nice job of making sure the shading creeps into the crevices and stays there as it dries. Starting in the deepest recesses, I built up multiple layers and worked outward toward where I will next apply highlights.
The gloves, boots, and masks got a once over with an equal mixture of old GW Skaven Brown ink and GW Shadow Black ink; diluted further with a couple drops of glaze medium and gunk.
Skin, undershirts, and gaiters received a couple passes of a mixture of GW Skaven Brown ink and old GW Flesh Wash; again diluted with glaze medium and gunk.
I'm also about finished with the gang's Dragon Forge Goth-Tech bases, which were a lot of fun to paint and have some great details. Stones received a 1:1:1 basecoat of VMC Sky Grey (989), VMC London Grey (836), and Vallejo Game Color (VGC) Khaki, and a wash of Skaven Brown ink. Metal areas received a basecoat of London Grey and a wash of Shadow Black ink:
The bases then received further washes of Skaven Brown ink and Flesh Wash, as well as selective drybrushes of Sky Grey, Khaki, and VGC Earth:
I'm thinking of adding some glowing toxic sludge in the recesses where the pipes open up on the base in the middle, as well as some rust and/or dust effects with modeling pigments, but haven't decided yet.
Next up: highlighting. We'll also see if I can pull the shading, midtones, and highlights together.
So, until next time, keep painting!